The Secrets Of Mother Nature

Discover how people all over the world have been using Mother Nature's herbs and plants for first aid and pain reduction. My website is a fun and educational learning experience.

Friday, July 11, 2014

So I Stopped At The News Stand Today. . .

. . .And look what I found.  I was so excited that I had to share it with you.

A magazine from the publishers of "Success" magazine.
I wanted you to see the cover so that you could easily find it
in the magazine rack.

All about Young Living Essential Oils.

The magazine is of wonderful quality and the pictures are much better than these that I took.

It seemed appropriate to take the pictures in my garden. 
So here is a little tour of my garden.

This pot sits at the bottom on the back steps and is planted with herbs.

This is my thyme that grows by the patio.

Caramel was sleeping on the wicker chair on the patio.  Could not wake him up so you could see his lovely eyes.

So many volunteer sunflowers come up by the birdfeeder.

Love daylilies.  They grow almost anywhere and come up every year. 
Almost effortless gardening.

So now you know why I was so excited.  I hope you will go out and get a copy for yourself and enjoy the read with a glass of iced tea with a drop of lemon or peppermint oil in it.  I like mine with a drop of grapefruit oil.   That's my plan.

Enjoy this lovely summer weekend.
Please stop by my blog often.
With Gratitude,
To learn more about Young Living Essential Oils
Please visit my websites:
If you would like to be on my Young Living Mailing List
drop me an email.


  1. Hi Ahrisha! and best of luck on your new blog featuring Young living Essential Oils.

  2. Hello Ahrisha, I wish you great success in your new blog. I need to take a look at your products. Take care, Linda

  3. Thanks Gals~ ~ ~
    I appreciate your stopping by and for the good wishes. I know they are heartfelt. You are both so Dear.

    Linda, Thanks to you for all your help with my two blogs. For anyone wanting help designing a blog or just help with a blog drop
    Linda a note or find her on FB. She is very knowledgeable.

    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
